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First, online behavior management and enterprise competitiveness
With the popularity of Internet access and the increase of bandwidth, the conditions for employees to access the Internet have been improved. On the other hand, they have brought higher risk, complexity and confusion to enterprises. In the IDC survey of the world enterprise network usage found in time for work in the illegal use of e-mail and browse the site, Web illegal music / movie BT download or watch online streaming media staff is increasing, makes the network management headache. According to IDC data, 30% to 40% of Internet users in the enterprise have nothing to do with their work; the analysis of visiting statistics from pornographic websites shows that 70% of the amount of pornographic websites visited during the working hours. The random use of the network by these employees will lead to three problems: (1) low efficiency; (2) deterioration of network performance; (3) network illegal behavior.
As an open network system, the operation of enterprise network is becoming more and more complex. Enterprise IT managers how to understand the basic situation of network operation, and make a basic analysis of the overall state of the network, find out the possible problems (such as virus, Trojan cause network anomaly), and locate the fault quickly, this is all to the enterprise network information security management challenges, these problems include: l
· How do IT administrators conduct statistical analysis and evaluation of enterprise network performance behavior?  l
·How does IT administrators limit some non work online behavior and abnormal Internet access (such as porn sites), and how to monitor, control and guide employees to use the network properly? l
·How does IT administrators prevent employees from leaking confidential information through e-mail, MSN and other means? l
·How does a IT administrator have evidence or evidence in case of a problem?
Second, Internet management is a good helper - Internet behavior management system
As the production tool of enterprise in the information age, network is also faced with the problem of appropriate monitoring and rational use. In the United States and Europe, 80% of companies monitor Internet activity by employees, and the move is supported by legal provisions. With China's accession to the WTO, the international competition in the economic field is further intensified, and domestic enterprises also need to seriously consider the rational use of network resources, and fully improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
In particular, Chinese employees spend more than 7.6 hours a week using IM, games, P2P software, or streaming media. The misuse of the Internet has caused great losses to Chinese enterprises.
Therefore, how to effectively solve these problems, in order to improve the efficiency of employees, reduce the safety risk and reduce the loss of enterprises, has become an urgent task for Chinese enterprises. The current network security management has been promoted to a new height, in defense from outside to inside, such as viruses, hackers, spam at the same time, from the inside to the outside such as auditing, monitoring, access control, access tracking, traffic restrictions and other issues have become increasingly prominent. More and more enterprises and institutions need to conduct unified management of the intranet to adjust the rational use of network resources.
AC is a very good solution to these problems in Intranet security. In the Internet behavior management internal security (network security audit), to ensure the rational use of Internet resources, to prevent the leakage of enterprise information assets, Internet behavior management security gateway provides a perfect access control function. By properly setting access rights, you can access absolutely bad websites and dangerous resources, and prevent the security risks of P2P software from the enterprise network. Through bandwidth management and access tracking technology, it can effectively prevent the misuse of Internet resources. Online behavior management, security gateway, unique sensitive content interception and security audit function provide the most effective guarantee to prevent confidential information leakage.
In addition, as a UTM integrated equipment, Internet behavior management security gateway also provides rich external security measures. In addition to the VPN module and powerful firewall module, Internet behavior management security gateway is also integrated with leading manufacturers from Europe virus F-PROT antivirus engine, virus filtering of intranet users receive mail and file downloads, reducing the risk of network users infected with the virus. In addition, the powerful spam filtering capabilities shut out a lot of junk mail and greatly improved the office efficiency of employees using Internet. At the same time, the Internet behavior management security gateway also provides an efficient IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) function, which can effectively identify and defend more than 3000 kinds of attacks, and further protect the security of enterprises connected to the Internet.
Third, online behavior management, online behavior management function introduction
(1) control function: detailed access control function, effective management of user access
Internet behavior management security gateway can not only control the content of the common services such as WEB, FTP and MAIL, but also restrict and control the behaviors of P2P software such as QQ, BT, MSN, SKYPE and so on. Rich reporting function can also analyze the detailed use of Internet in the enterprise, and provide effective data support for network administrators and policy makers to allocate and understand the network resources of employees. Based on Web and LDAP/Radius integrated user authentication function, makes the management of the Internet users become very flexible and convenient.

Table 3.1: access control function list 


Detailed index

 Dangerous website barrier

 Use an updated list of bad websites to block access to pornography, viruses, phishing sites

 Access control policy

 Provide secure access control policies based on groups, time, services, web site policies, content policies, and other combinations of objects

 P2P intercept

 The use of depth content detection technology and online gateway monitoring technology to achieve the QQ, MSN, SKYPE, BT and other P2P software traffic barrier

 User authentication

 Provide Web login authentication function, provide local user database and LDAP, RADIUS user data integration function

 File upload, download, control, control

HTTP, FTP file upload, download type and size to control, but also to QQ, MSN and other P2P software file transfer to intercept

IPMAC binding

 Provides flexible IPMAC binding policies

 Proxy identification function

 Can identify the use of Http, Https, Socks and other proxy server bypass firewall check behavior, thereby blocking

 Sensitive data interception

 Do sensitive data interception to HTTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP and other application protocols, in case of leaks or legal disputes

(2) monitoring function: content filtering and access audit functions, to prevent the leakage of confidential information
When it comes to security issues, most people are only concerned about the security of the Internet, but in fact, the enterprise's information assets are not more stolen by hackers, but through internal leakage. Internet behavior management security gateway, perfect access audit and monitoring function, can effectively prevent the information through the Internet leak, and establish a strong internal security deterrent, reducing the behavior of internal leaks. For the application of the type of message also uses SINFOR mail delay audit "of the patent technology to ensure audit before sending. The access audit / monitoring module for Internet behavior management has built a powerful internal security barrier for enterprises.
Table 3.2: access audit function list


Detailed index

 Mail delay audit

 Send e-mail delayed cache, after the audit can be issued, to ensure that information assets are not leaked

 Real time monitoring

 Real time monitoring of user's online behavior

 Intranet monitoring

 For all employees in the online behavior, including chat, browse the web, download and upload files a detailed record of work behavior to monitor employee work time, prevent internal secrets, information leakage, and afterwards responsibility

(3) report function: powerful data reporting center, providing intuitive access to data statistics
Internet behavior management gateway has the powerful data center managers can groups, users, rules, protocol and other query object, according to the pie chart, histogram and curve graph of query, can visualize the network traffic, mail, network monitoring, IPS system, access rules, firewall and other detailed information, and direct print and export report. Network behavior management gateway, powerful log system and rich report function, can analyze the detailed use of enterprise's Internet in detail, and provide the most effective data support for network administrator and policy maker.
Table 3.3: data center function list


Detailed index 

 Traffic statistics log

 Including network traffic statistics outline, group traffic rankings, traffic logs, traffic trends, etc., with a pie, column and other intuitive representation of the network traffic flow rankings

 Mail log

Including e-mail statistics summary, mail ranking, mail inquiries, mail trends and other functions, can be detailed statistics of all user mail delivery specific circumstances

 Network monitoring log

 Including monitoring, statistics, summary, monitoring, ranking, monitoring, query, monitoring trends and other functions. Administrators can monitor the specific use of Internet resources by Internet users

 Access rule log

 Including access rules summary, access ranking, access inquiries and other functions, administrators can internal network violations of the machine for detailed statistics and view

IPS logs

 Contains IPS log summary, IPS ranking, IPS query, IPS trends and other functions, can show detailed network security situation

 Firewall log

 Including firewall summary, firewall ranking, firewall query, firewall trends and other functions, administrators can analyze the firewall logs in more detail

 Log library management

 It mainly contains log library information, log library query, log library switching function and so on

 user management

Administrators can add new users and query users here


(4) bandwidth and traffic management functions: powerful QOS functions and traffic analysis
Internet behavior management security gateway powerful access control and QOS function can make the enterprises to make rational use of Internet resources, allocate different bandwidth and access permissions for different users, Internet makes efficient use of resources, and greatly improve the efficiency of the staff.
internet behavior management security gateway, you can record and analyze all traffic content, including HTTP, FTP, mail, telnet and other commonly used software content, and QQ, ICQ, MSN, YAHOO, MESSAGER and other IM software content. In addition, the Internet traffic can be statistically analyzed according to the user, user group, protocol and time, so as to optimize the use of Internet resources by employees. The limited bandwidth of the enterprise can be fully utilized, and the network utilization of the enterprise can be improved.
Table 3.4:QOS and flow control function list


Detailed index

QOS guarantee

 Implementing QOS using a differentiated service model
使Flow control is provided using a random early detection RED discarding algorithm

flow control

 Each user or different group in the network can limit the bandwidth resources that the Internet can occupy, and make the enterprise inner network bandwidth resource fully and effectively utilized

(5) rich external network security function: including firewall, VPN, IPS, gateway, anti-virus and anti spam
As a UTM integrated equipment, Internet behavior management security gateway also provides rich external security measures. In addition to the firewall and VPN module is powerful, Internet behavior management security gateway is also integrated with leading manufacturers from Europe virus F-PROT antivirus engine, virus filtering of intranet users receive mail and file downloads, reducing the risk of network users infected with the virus. In addition, the powerful spam filtering capabilities shut out a lot of junk mail and greatly improved the office efficiency of employees using Internet. At the same time, the Internet behavior management security gateway also provides an efficient IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) function, which can effectively identify and defend more than 3000 kinds of attacks, and further protect the security of enterprises connected to the Internet.



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